I love Thursdays
To top it off Blogger decided to let me post my pics tonight. :)
First let me catch up with happenings. Fortunately we still had DS#2 old car that I had brought for him last year at the auction. It goes well although the gear box is on the way out. [ Overdrive doesn't work anymore.] He has just got an old / better car from my cousins wife when they upgraded so doesn't need this one any more. I was meant to be selling it but hadn't got around to it yet. [ Needs cleaning etc ]
It has meant however that we were able to drive up to Mum's tonight and leave it with her which gives her time to decide what to do about her car. Whether to fix, or replace. I would still like a second opinion. I tend to get suspious when a mechanic wants to buy your car he has just been trying to convince you is on its last legs. Moreover wants it for a song and quotes you mega amounts for repairs!!!
Other than that haven't been up to much. Other than work of course!! :( Finding it hard to concentrate in that direction at the moment. ]
So on to the pics promised last post........
First up is the back of my Festival jacket.

This is turning out so well. The pics don't do it justice. Must get broadband one day and then will be able to post bigger pics. Too slow at the moment. I have shown this around to guage reactions. It all seems to be wow at the moment. I am now half way up the first front so hopefully will finish both by Saturday.
Next pic is a close up of the ten yarns/threads I am using to knit this eye stopper.
One orange mohair, one orange fake fur, one multi eyelash, one multi ladder with coloured bobbles, the rest are wool in differents colours. Purple, browns and orange. The eyelash gives a sort of mulitcoloured "haze" over the orange , very effective.

I think the needle size is 20mm as I don't have a needle guage that big. They are approx broomstick handle size.
Of course they are knitting up real quick and the effect is amazing. I am quite enthused, can you tell?? Have plans for other garments using different colours. One of the yarns is a multi colour from Spotlight, a large craft store. It has two plies one a multi colour with bobbles and the other an eyelash. It is possible to 'unply" this which is what I have been doing. This has given me an eyelash to use in the knitting and I will be able to use the bobble one another time perhaps even plying it with some homespun. So two yarns for the price of one. $2 a ball on special.
This brings me to the next pic which shows some more stash enhancement. Oh dear!!! The one on the left is the eyelash plied with multicolour bobbles and the one on the right is a tuffed yarn. Thought these could go good together. Will hunt through my stash for the other 8 to go with these.

Well that my news tonight. Time to head off for a read and supper.
Knit on all >^..^<
PS Heard recently that there are now over 15 million bloggers in the world, wow that could sure be a power for good!! [ Wonder how many of them are knitters??]
PPS Wow must wear my glasses while posting at night. My home PC screen is only 15 inch and I have just done a little editing!!