Sunday, January 20, 2013

Of hobbits dwarves and an unexpected journey

Hi all, if I have any readers still checking in that is!

I have had a very "unexpected journey" the past 3 years. I have been very fortunate in working for Peter Jackson in the costume department on "The Hobbit"

I cannot share the details as bound by contract but hope one day to be able to share some. It was a dream job, I mean sit and knit all day! and get paid for it! It was very challenging but I loved every minute. The hours were long which meant that the rest of life, including blogging had to take a back seat.

Since finishing in costume I have now signed to do dressing on set. That is also long hours but very interesting. I think what has impressed me the most is the passion everyone shows for their job. Imagine working in a commune of artists all working on the same project.  All with the same passion and a drive to give of their best. Peter seems to achieve this and draw the best out.

I have the past few months been getting back to some sort of "normal". I have managed to get part time work at last which will help pay the bills while continuing with my Hand Knit design city and guilds studies. I am up to working on my first "piece" so full steam ahead. I have also been catching up on gardening , emails and housework.

My other interest "jewellery making" has also taken on momentum. I produced 150+ pieces or sets of which I managed to sell 85 sets at the Hobbit Artisan market. So very successful. I have now got a possible contract to produce a range for a company selling to winerys in NZ. So busy working on that as well.

I think that working as an artist is great but can be harder work than a "normal" 9-5 job!

Anyway I hope to get back to more regular posting with pictures .

Thanks for reading



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I just wanted to say that I Oooooed and Ahhhhed over each of your knitted garments on the HObbit. I was wondering will you ever compile all of those wonderfully knit treasures into a book???

2:01 pm  
Blogger cornemuse said...

I'm another knitter avidly awaiting some of your patterns from the Hobbit, especially Ori's vest, which I think is adorable. I do hope Warner Brothers soon release you from the contract which prevents you from sharing all these wonderful designs.

12:59 am  
Blogger CeltChick said...

Maybe Warner Bros will take note of the avid interest in "Middle-Earth Knitting"! I'm sure they've lots of plans for various marketing tie-ins to The Hobbit; a book of patterns for the knitwear would be snapped up pretty quickly.
And you should certainly be central to the development of said book; your work is marvelous!

9:10 am  
Blogger Eileen said...

You did some glorious work. The stuff on Ori--!! Loved it; all I could think was, "There goes Mum's little darling." :-D

I do hope that WB and any others from whom you would need permission to share some of these patterns will grant it.

In the meantime, thank you so very much for all of your hard work and mad hours.

I am *really* looking forward to the next installment of The Hobbit...and now, not just for the story and actors!

6:18 am  
Blogger monkeemaven-fruitcakeknits said...

That's so exciting! I was just thinking of you yesterday and had to go find your blog again. A loooong time ago you'd sent me a beautiful dolphin pin made of paua shell so I just had to come by again to thank you. Congratulations on your awesome work and now I have to watch the movie again and think of you!

-Melissa / monkee / fruitcake :)

9:16 pm  
Blogger Susan said...

Oh YES, a book would be your spare time of course :)
GOOD JOB and thank you!

12:52 pm  
Anonymous Maria said...

A Swedish fan here. I loved the knits in the film, especially the vest worn by Ori. I want to knit one for myself some day. Is there any chance of a pattern collection do you think?

10:38 am  

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