Sunday, January 20, 2013

Of hobbits dwarves and an unexpected journey

Hi all, if I have any readers still checking in that is!

I have had a very "unexpected journey" the past 3 years. I have been very fortunate in working for Peter Jackson in the costume department on "The Hobbit"

I cannot share the details as bound by contract but hope one day to be able to share some. It was a dream job, I mean sit and knit all day! and get paid for it! It was very challenging but I loved every minute. The hours were long which meant that the rest of life, including blogging had to take a back seat.

Since finishing in costume I have now signed to do dressing on set. That is also long hours but very interesting. I think what has impressed me the most is the passion everyone shows for their job. Imagine working in a commune of artists all working on the same project.  All with the same passion and a drive to give of their best. Peter seems to achieve this and draw the best out.

I have the past few months been getting back to some sort of "normal". I have managed to get part time work at last which will help pay the bills while continuing with my Hand Knit design city and guilds studies. I am up to working on my first "piece" so full steam ahead. I have also been catching up on gardening , emails and housework.

My other interest "jewellery making" has also taken on momentum. I produced 150+ pieces or sets of which I managed to sell 85 sets at the Hobbit Artisan market. So very successful. I have now got a possible contract to produce a range for a company selling to winerys in NZ. So busy working on that as well.

I think that working as an artist is great but can be harder work than a "normal" 9-5 job!

Anyway I hope to get back to more regular posting with pictures .

Thanks for reading



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